Many know that my life in the past two years has been a wild roller coaster. With many hills and loops and twist. Two years ago my life changed completely. If you asked me two years ago I would have told you it had changed for the worst. I had lost the love of my life. My world had fallen apart. But with the knowledge of the atonement and having the love of my family and friends along with all of their prayers my life did not turn for the worst but for the better. I have found myself again. I have found a new love for life. I have gained a stronger testimony of the atonement and for the gospel of Jesus Christ. For with out it I really truly would not be the person I am today. Today I celebrate not a two year anniversary of a day that brought much heartache, but a day that has brought much joy to my life.
I love to spend time with my nieces and nephews. One Thursday I had to run a bunch of errands and decided to make it a date with Sabrina. When I came home I asked her if she would like to go to Nana's Park and to the store. She immediately put her shoes on and we were off!
St. Patrick Day hats
February 18, 2009!!!! What a historic day in the life of Heather Rose Guffey!!! ;-) Charlotte, North Carolina opened its very first IKEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness!!! I am in heaven!!!! IKEA is one of my favorite stores. I absolutely love to go in there and look around. I love the ideas that they have come up with in ways of decorating and using the space. I will tell you my favorite thing to do in IKEA....and yes this is very silly...but I love to go to the kitchen section and open a drawer and then try to slam it shut. You can't! It is awesome!!! It is every parent's dream....drawers that can't slam!!!
It was a very rainy day for the opening of IKEA and as I was merging on to I-85 my driver side windshield wiper decided to stop working. I am serious! It got caught on the passenger wiper and then it just went "FLOP" on to my side mirror! I couldn't get it back over! I had to drive looking out the passenger side of the windshield. It was quite funny!
As you can tell I am SO excited to get to IKEA! It didn't even matter that I sat in an hour of traffic...then found out that the parking lot was full and had to walk a half mile to the store because I had to park on a side street! I was going to IKEA!!! Here... this is how excited I was. Back in the fall I received an email from my sister Mollie and with in less than 5 minutes before she could call to tell me she sent me the email I had already requested the day off from work! Yes!!!! I know!!! I am a DORK!!! :)
Can life get any better???? Actually it could if I had all the money in the world and could buy all that I really wanted from IKEA.
4-Question/Answer. Let me just say that this is not your normal pageant! You could not prepare yourself for what was shown here. I was amazed by these guys!
For the Formal Wear Mark and I strutted our stuff down the run way. Mark is a very "serious" guy. His biography consisted of 1-being born in a Turkish Camp and losing everyone, 2-being raised by Siberian Wolves, 3-loves long walks on the beach, 4-not afraid to cry. Like I said...very serious! ;-)
For the Formal Wear Mark and I strutted our stuff down the run way. Mark is a very "serious" guy. His biography consisted of 1-being born in a Turkish Camp and losing everyone, 2-being raised by Siberian Wolves, 3-loves long walks on the beach, 4-not afraid to cry. Like I said...very serious! ;-)
Sadly, after all that Mark took 1st runner up. BUT.....HE and I both KNOW that He, Mark Madsen, the man raised by Siberian wolves,
is truly Mr. Hilliard!!! ;-)
Starring Mark Madsen and Heather Guffey
Oh Heather! ;)
First I wanted to say that I'm so happy for you that you have found happiness despite the trials over the last couple of years. What a blessing the Atonement is- for all of us...
Sounds like you had a great couple weeks being able to spend time with your nieces and nephew. :)
And lastly, I hate that I missed the Mr. Hilliard pageant in person but, I love those videos!! They were so good...and you did a good job with Mr. Mark. ;)
Love ya chicka!
Heather - I love your blog - especially since I don't have to read about you and a cardboard cut out! You are a great person! Thank you for loving your nieces and nephews so much! They all love you too - but you know that.
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